//=============================================================================================== // FUNCTION download_meteogram_csv // // Creates a comma-saparated file for download with the data (temp, rh, precip, ws, wd) for the // currently selected ECONet station whose meteogram is displayed. Then downloads the file. // Some minor broswer handling is included with the window.navigator.msSaveOrBlob. // // INPUTS: // filename ..... the name of the file to be saved (is "NAME_Meteogram.csv") // x_axis ....... the ob data axis (the x axis) used for the meteogram. // temp ......... temperature data array // precip ....... precipitation data array // relhum ....... relative humidity data array // windspd ...... wind speed data array // winddir ...... wind direction data array // // OUTPUTS: // Returns nothing (true). It downloads a file to the user's browser. // // @author Rebecca Ward // @date November 2017 //=============================================================================================== function download_meteogram_csv(filename,x_axis, temp, precip,relhum,windspd,winddir){ //function download_meteogram_csv(filename,x_axis, temp, precip,soiltemp,windspd,winddir){ // Parse the data_json into a string: var text = "Ob Time,Temperature (F),Precipitation (in.),Relative Humidty (%),Wind Speed (mph),Wind Direction (deg)\n"; //var text = "Ob Time,Temperature (F),Precipitation (in.),Soil Tempearature (F),Wind Speed (mph),Wind Direction (deg)\n"; // Iterate through each observation (all array should be the same length) and add to csv for(var i=0;i"; if (obtime_date.getHours() >= 0 && obtime_date.getHours() < 2) { //if (obtime_date.getHours() >= 0 && obtime_date.getHours() < 1) { topaxis.push(CalDay); } else { topaxis.push(' '); } obtime.push(obtime_date); obhours.push(ob_hours); temp.push(station_info[i]['temp']); windspd.push(station_info[i]['ws']); winddir.push(station_info[i]['wd']); precip.push(station_info[i]['precip']); relhum.push(station_info[i]['rh']); //soiltemp.push(station_info[i]['stemp']); } // Set the export options for the meteogram. // First, remove any options to export as a CSV, XLS, or data table. meteogram_menu_buttons = Highcharts.getOptions().exporting.buttons.contextButton.menuItems; for (var key in meteogram_menu_buttons) { if (meteogram_menu_buttons[key]['textKey'] == 'downloadCSV' || meteogram_menu_buttons[key]['textKey'] == 'downloadXLS' || meteogram_menu_buttons[key]['textKey'] == 'viewData') { delete meteogram_menu_buttons[key]; } } // Build and return the HighCharts options structure getChartOptions = function(){ var meteogram = this; return{ chart: { renderTo: this.cc_meteogram, marginLeft: 70, marginRight: 70, marginTop: 100, plotBorderWidth: 1, //width: 938, //height: 360, alignTicks: false, style: { fontFamily: 'Lato, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' } }, title: { text: this.getTitle(station), align: 'center' }, subtitle: { text: this.getSubTitle(), align: 'center', useHTML: true }, tooltip: { shared: true, useHTML: true, formatter: function(){ return meteogram.tooltipFormatter(this,winddir,windspd); } }, exporting: { buttons: { contextButton: { menuItems: Highcharts.defaultOptions.exporting.buttons.contextButton.menuItems.concat([{ text: 'Download CSV', onclick: function() { out_csv_name = station+"_Meteogram.csv"; download_meteogram_csv(out_csv_name,obtime, temp, precip,relhum,windspd,winddir); //download_meteogram_csv(out_csv_name,obtime,temp,precip,soiltemp,windspd,winddir); } }]) } }, chartOptions: { chart: { events: { load: function(chart){ // Add SCO cloud logo: var logo_url = protocol+"//"+host+"/images/sco_cloud_logo_small.png"; chart.target.renderer.image(logo_url,5,316,60,42).add(); //chart.target.renderer.image(logo_url,520,280,49,34).add(); } } } } }, xAxis: [ { //bottom X axis type: 'categories', categories: obtime, tickLength: 0, gridLineWidth: 1, gridLineColor: (Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.background2) || '#F0F0F0', startOnTick: false, endOnTick: false, minPadding: 0, maxPadding: 0, offset: 30, showLastLabel: true, labels: { formatter: function(){ var time_label = ""; var ob = Date.parse(this.value); var ob_date = new Date(ob); var ob_hour = ob_date.getHours(); if (ob_hour == 0) time_label = "12a"; else if (ob_hour > 12) time_label = (ob_hour - 12) + "p"; else if (ob_hour == 12) time_label = "12p"; else time_label = (ob_hour + 0) + "a"; return time_label; } } }, { // Top X axis linkedTo: 0, type: 'categories', categories: topaxis, labels: { autoRotation: false, align: 'left', x: 3, y: -20 }, opposite: true, tickLength: 0, gridLineWidth: 1 }], yAxis: [ { // temperature axis (if air and soil used, change labels) title: { text: 'Air Temperature', //text: 'Temperature (Red - Air, Green - Soil)', //If both parameters are used offset: 0, align: 'middle', rotation: 270, style: { fontSize: '10px', color: '#ff0000' // Make axis title red (Only if Air Temp is used, otherwise, leave it black) }, textAlign: 'center', x: -40 }, labels: { format: '{value}°F', style: { fontSize: '10px', }, x: -3 }, //plotLines: [{ // zero plane // value: 0, // color: '#BBBBBB', // width: 1, // zIndex: 2 //}], maxPadding: 0.3, gridLineColor: (Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.background2) || '#F0F0F0' }, { // precipitation axis title:{ text:null }, labels:{ enabled: false }, gridLineWidth: 0, tickLength: 0 }, { // Relative Humidity axis min: 0, max: 100, tickInterval: 25, allowDecimals: false, title: { text: 'Relative Humidity', offset: 0, align: 'middle', rotation: 90, style: { fontSize: '10px', color: '#118723' // Makes RH title green }, textAlign: 'center', x: 30 }, labels: { format: '{value}%', style: { fontSize: '8px', }, y: 2, x: 3 }, gridLineWidth: 0, opposite: true, showLastLabel: true }], // end of all Y-axis definitions legend: { enabled: false }, plotOptions: { series: { pointPlacement: 'between' } }, series: [ { // Temperature name: 'Temperature', data: temp, type: 'spline', marker: { enabled: false, states: { hover: { enabled: true } } }, tooltip: { valueSuffix: '°F' }, zIndex: 1, color: '#FF3333', //negativeColor: '#48AFE8' }, { //Precipitation name: 'Precipitation', data: precip, type: 'column', color: '#68CFE8', yAxis: 1, groupPadding: 0, pointPadding: 0, borderWidth: 0, shadow: false, dataLabels: { enabled: true, formatter: function() { if(this.y>0){ return this.y; } }, style: { fontSize: '8px' } }, tooltip: { valueSuffix: ' in.' } },{ // Relative Humidty or Soil Temperature name: 'Relative Humidity', //name: 'Soil Temperature', color: '#118723', // Makes RH title green data: relhum, marker: { enabled: false }, shadow: false, tooltip: { //valueSuffix: '°F' valueSuffix: '%' }, dashStyle: 'shortdot', yAxis: 2 }, { // Wind Speed (is hidden) name: 'Wind Speed', visible: false, data: windspd }, { // Wind direction (is hidden) name: 'Wind Direction', visible: false, data: winddir }] }; }; // End Meteogram.prototype.getchartOptions // Post-process the chart from the callback function, the second argument to Highcharts.Chart. onChartLoad = function(chart) { this.drawWindArrowsMeteogram(chart); this.drawBlocksForWindArrows(chart); chart.renderer.html("

Wind vectors show both the wind speed and direction. The speed is represented by the number of full barbs (10 mph) and half barbs (5 mph) at the end of each vector.

\"windThe vectors point away from the wind direction. In the example to the right, the vector points from east to west, indicating an easterly wind with a speed of 25 mph.

", -4, 268).add(); // Add SCO Cloud Logo // var logo_url = protocol+"//"+host+"/images/sco_cloud_logo_small.png"; //chart.renderer.image(logo_url,5,316,60,42).add(); }; //End Meteogram.prototype.onChartLoad // Create the chart. This function is called async when the data file is loaded and parsed. createChart = function() { var meteogram = this; this.chart = new Highcharts.Chart(this.getChartOptions(), function(chart) { meteogram.onChartLoad(chart); }); }; //End Meteogram.prototype.createChart createChart(); } // End xmlhttp request } xmlhttp.open("GET",url,true); xmlhttp.send(); } }